COST CA18202 Second Call for ITC Conference Grant Applications

Purpose: ITC Conference Grants are aimed at supporting ECI and PhD students from Participating ITC to attend international science and technology related conferences, event or activity on the topic of the Action that are not organized by the COST Action. For further details, please read the ITC Conference Grant Call and the COST Vademecum.

Eligibility criteria: Conference Grants are exclusively reserved for PhD students, PhD candidates, and ECI’s with a primary affiliation in an institution located in an ITC participating in the Action. • The applicant shall make an oral/poster presentation at the conference in question and shall be listed in the official event/conference program. The main subject of the oral presentation / poster presentation / speech at the approved conference shall be on the topic of the NECTAR Action and shall acknowledge COST. • The participation of each applicant shall be pre-approved by the Action MC.

Funding: The calculation of the financial contribution for each Conference Grant shall respect the following criteria: • Up to a maximum of EUR 1 000 in total can be afforded to each successful applicant. • Up to a maximum of EUR 160 per day can be afforded for accommodation and meal expenses. • Up to a maximum of EUR 500 can be claimed for the conference fees to be incurred by the selected Grantee.

Period of ITC Conference Grants and application deadlines:
June 30th, 2021: deadline for submission of ITC CG Applications
Before July 15th, 2021: notification of selected ITC Granted
October 15th, 2021: deadline for the end of Conference

Questions/Inquiries: Detailed information may be found here. To get full information about the application procedure and eligibility criteria, please contact Prof. Emel Yildiz - ITC Coordinator (eeyildiz(at)

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